Generating and managing solid waste is part of the daily grind for most businesses. From commercial packaging materials to break room paper plates, trash piles up quickly.
Is your business’s waste management routine more expensive and time-consuming than it needs to be? If so, then it’s time to reach out to a commercial trash removal service.
Should Your Business Contract with a Waste Removal Service?
A commercial trash removal partner helps your business efficiently manage garbage and other solid waste materials.
Here are the top benefits of working with a trash removal service provider.
1: Cleaner and Healthier Work Environment
Garbage is full of germs, microbes, fungus, and insects. Even small mammals like mice, rats, and raccoons will congregate in a workplace garbage area if they can gain access.
If these trash-loving lifeforms aren’t kept out, they threaten your business’s safety and sanitation standards. Health and safety inspections that detect critters such as rats and roaches result in fines and shutdowns.
A commercial trash removal service can ensure that your waste is removed from your facility in a timely manner. Preventing trash from lingering and piling up is key to maintaining a pest-free workplace.
2: Better-Looking Workspace
When your workplace’s solid waste is properly stored and disposed of, it’s out of sight and out of mind for your staff and customers. On the other hand, if garbage piles up, it’s impossible to ignore.
Proactive waste management, with the help of a professional removal service, helps you maintain a more clean and attractive workplace. This is especially important for establishments that service customers on-site, such as food service or retail businesses.
3: Compliance with Waste Management Laws and Regulations
Solid waste can be unsightly, unwieldy, and even toxic. However, the most significant hazards that waste poses to your business may be of the legal and regulatory varieties.
Depending on your industry, excessive or unmanaged waste can result in violations of local laws and codes.
For example, in a food service establishment, public health inspections can happen at any time. These inspections emphasize efficient garbage management to ensure that your business isn’t operating in a contaminated environment.
A trash removal service ensures timely and efficient removal of solid waste, helping your business comply with waste management laws and regulations.
4: Peace of Mind
Waste disposal might not be your favorite part of running a business. However, it’s a task that can’t be ignored.
Contracting with a professional garbage removal service takes some of the headaches and hazards of waste management off of your hands. You won’t have to worry about interrupting your operations in order to personally manage excess solid waste.
5: Trash Compaction for More Effective Waste Management
Dumpsters are a must-have for any business that generates significant amounts of waste.
However, even large containers can fill up quickly. This is especially true for dumpsters that are used to hold bulky materials.
Items like food waste, cardboard, and wood use up a dumpster’s space quickly. The shape and composition of bulky materials makes them pile up high, rather than flattening out to efficiently fill a container. In reality, seemingly-full dumpsters are often mostly just full of air.
When there’s no more room in a dumpster, trash piles up over the edges and on the surrounding ground. This creates a garbage area that’s unsightly and potentially unsafe.
What’s the best way to maximize value from your dumpster? Compact its contents to open up more space.
A trash compaction service crunches, smashes, and presses the contents of your dumpster.
Compaction enables superior utilization of the dumpster’s capacity. Your dumpster fills up less quickly, so you can load more material over a longer time period between landfill trips.
Trash Compaction Service in New Jersey
Trashpac is a commercial compaction service. Located in East Brunswick, we provide open-top roll-off dumpster compaction for New Jersey businesses.
Using a steel drum roller, we reduce your dumpster’s volume by 40-60 percent.
Making compaction part of your waste management routine means less-frequent landfill trips and fewer interruptions to your workflow.
Opening up space in your dumpster enables waste management that’s more time-efficient, cost-saving, and environmentally friendly.
To schedule a free dumpster compaction demo for your business, contact Trashpac